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HackTalk Security Resources

Learn Cyber Security

  1. What is a Directory Traversal Attack? Path Traversal Explained

    What is a Directory Traversal Attack? Path Traversal Explained

    An overview of the directory traversal attack also know as a path traversal attack and commonly found in web applications, mobile apps and API’s.

  2. What is a Lateral Movement: Lateral Movement Explained (2024)

    What is a Lateral Movement: Lateral Movement Explained (2024)

    An overview of Lateral Movement and how it is used by Cyber Attackers and threat actors during a penetration test or redteam engagement.

  3. What Is Mobile App Penetration Testing

    What Is Mobile App Penetration Testing

    Learn what Mobile Application Penetration Testing is, explained Step-by-Step by Aptive's security team.

  4. What is OS Command Injection?

    What is OS Command Injection?

    An overview of what OS Command Injection is, how to detect, exploit and help prevent the web vulnerability.

  5. What Is Web Application Penetration Testing

    What Is Web Application Penetration Testing

    Learn what Web Application Penetration Testing is, explained Step-by-Step by Aptive's security team.

  6. What is Penetration Testing? Pen Testing Explained

    What is Penetration Testing? Pen Testing Explained

    A penetration test is a method of identifying potential security vulnerabilities in a company’s infrastructure by utilising the services of ethical hackers. These individuals are employed to simulate a planned attack against the infrastructure in question, with the objective of identifying any weaknesses that require remediation. Penetration testing is a crucial component within a comprehensive web application security approach.

  7. What is SQL Injection? SQLi Explained

    What is SQL Injection? SQLi Explained

    An overview of what SQL Injection is, understand the attack, and the potential risk to your organisation.

  8. Vulnerability and Penetration Testing (VAPT) Explained

    Vulnerability and Penetration Testing (VAPT) Explained

    An overview of VAPT, understand the benefits, and how it could improve your organisations security posture.